Tuesday 30 July 2013

Intentions and Directions

Firstly, many thanks for the encouragement and suggestions over the last week!  Keep the suggestions and criticisms coming:  they help me to stay focused and give me ideas on just what might be of interest/value to the readers of future posts.  This is not a "one-way" exercise:  I hope for and expect input, questions, corrections and ideas from my visitors.

My intentions:  To explain and set forth my approach to sound recording, and the techniques that may be employed to achieve the goal of preserving the musical event with the highest practical accuracy and effectiveness.
                             To discuss the equipment involved in sound recording, and how best to use it to achieve the above goal.
                             To assist on an individual basis any visitors to this blog, or my website at Digilogue Recordings , to record their music or narration to their expectations and satisfaction.
                             To promote the production and desirability of unprocessed true stereo recordings of performers, as they sound in their performance space.

Directions:        * Next post:  Hearing and sound machines.
                             * During August:  "Analogue" and "Digital" recording systems.  Playback.

Something to ponder:  In the last 30 years access to recorded music has become far easier for the average person, but recording and reproduction quality has suffered immensely, for commercial reasons:  the corporate "bottom line" is king.  Do you agree??

Thursday 25 July 2013

History and Horizons

Well, we all have to start somewhere and sometime.  Here goes!
How sound recording technology has changed in the last forty years.
My first attempt at a "serious" recording was of a vocal group, with backing, using a Truvox open reel recorder and a pair of Sennheiser cardioid mics, possibly in a sort of stereo array.  The biggest problem, as I recall, was intermittent heavy rain on the iron roof of the hall.  I still have a copy of the tracks that were used.....technically the recording left a lot to be desired by my current standards, but the performances and music were great.  Happy memories.
And to me that is what recording is mostly about:  preserving a memory - a memory in musical form of a real event.  No loops, synthesized riffs and drum machines for me!  Of course, that approach can be lots of fun and quite a challenge, but my main goal in recording of music is to capture the event in such a way that the total impact and presence is preserved and gives the listener a "You are there!" experience when the piece is replayed through competent stereo or surround sound (multi-channel) equipment.
In coming posts, I will ramble on a bit about techniques and equipment that can be implemented and used to achieve the above goal.  Comments and suggestions are welcome - I still have a lot to learn.

P.S.  Check out my website for more info.!